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Price: 3195,00 €

AD-3446 - HA7JTR-HA7I-01AD-3446 - HA7JTR-HA7I-02AD-3446 - HA7JTR-HA7I-03AD-3446 - HA7JTR-HA7I-04AD-3446 - HA7JTR-HA7I-05AD-3446 - HA7JTR-HA7I-06

AD-3446 is a new large full-size antenna for 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters bands. 4 effective monobanders on one boom: 3 elements on 40m with high-Q coils, 4 elements on 20 m, 4 widely spaced elements on 15 m and 6 elements on 10 m. The boom length is 12 m.

AD-3446 is a Big Good Antenna for those who do not agree to compromises. For those who wants to have the most powerful signal on the band, whether this happens in a contest or massive pileup on a rare DX. Clear-cut direction patterns on each of the four bands. High gain, optimal F/B and F/S ratios. Low SWR in all bands.

The three-element yagi for 40m band has about 15.5 m elements length and include inductance coils with small losses, which makes the antenna almost full-size with appropriate efficiency. The 40 m is feed with separate 50-Ohms coaxial cable.

Full-size HF elements and a carefully selected optimal distance between them provide a wide band and high efficiency. HF vibrators are connected by a hard power line made of pipes. HF cell feeding is one 50-Ohms coaxial cable.

  • 3 elements for 40m, 4 elements for 20m, 4 elements for 15m and 6 elements for 10m - on one 12 m long boom.
  • Antenna feeding - two 50-Ohms coaxial cables.
  • Simple assembly and installation.
  • Shipped in two boxes (2005x220x160mm). Weight is 75 kg.
  • Delivery set includes antenna to mast mounting plate with U-bolts, T-stand with steel wire boom guying. Guy wire divided with ceramic insulators which makes it "invisible" for HF bands.

AD-3446 specification

Parameter/band 40
20 15 10
Elements qty 3
4 4 6
Frequency range, MHz 7.000-7.150
14.000-14.350 21.000-21.450 28.000-29.000
SWR in frequency range


1.3 - 1.05 - 1.3 1.4 - 1.01 - 1.5 1.4 - 1.0 - 1.5
Gain @22м, dBi 11.7 14.9 15.4 15.8
Net Gain vs dipole@22m dBd 4.6 7.1 7.6
Front to Back, dB 17-25-17 17-20-18
18-22-19 21-25-18
Boom lenght, mm 12000
Max element length, mm 15540
Turning radius, mm 9340
Assembled weight, kg 70
Wind surface area, m2 2.43
Max CW input power, kW 5
Max wind speed 35 m/s
Acceptable reduction unit is similar to AlfaSpid BIG-RAK



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Last Updated: Monday, 13 January 2025 18:07