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Price: 0,00 €

This is our recent development. 4-band Yagi with 7.5m boom. 40 m elements are shortened with high Q coils. 40 m fed with separate cable.  20, 15 and 10 m bands fed with another single cable.

  • 2 el on 40 m, 3 el on 20 m, 3 el on 15 m and 4 el on 10 m - on  7.5 m boom.
  • Excellent parameters, strongly pronounced diagram on 4 bands.
  • Fed by two 50 Ω coaxial cables.
  • Easy to assemble and mount.
  • Shipped in two boxes (2005x220x160mm). Weight is 45 kg.
  • Delivery set includes antenna to mast mounting plate with U-bolts and a boom guy with 2 turnbuckles.
  • 40 m guy made of polyethylene wire.

Tech specs for AD-2334

20 15 10
Elements 2
3 3 5
Frequency range, MHz 7.000-7.200
14.000-14.350 21.000-21.450 28.000-29.000
SWR in frequency range 1.6-1-1.6* 1.25 - 1.05 - 1.35 1.4 - 1.05 - 1.6 1.4 - 1.0 - 1.7
Gain @22м, dBi 11 12.9 13.9 14.3
Net Gain vs dipole@22m dBd 3.6 5.5 6.5 6.9
Front to Back, dB 12-15-12 22 22 20
Boom lenght, mm 7600
Max element length, mm 14800
Turning radius, mm 8300
Weight, kg 45
Wind surface area, m2 1.1
Max CW input power, kW 5
Max wind speed 40 m/s
Acceptable reduction unit is similar to Yaesu G-1000 with support bearing.




Customer Reviews:  (Saturday, 07 January 2023)
Rating: 5
Ottima antenna, i tubi in alluminio sono di ottima lega, leggeri ma flessibili sotto i colpi di vento (anche quest'anno abbiamo raggiunto raffiche di
120 Km h)rnIl funzionamento sulle 4 bande è praticamente perfetto dopo oltre un anno dall'installazione.rnUn grazie a tutto il team DEPOT per
l'ottima antennarn73 da IK4dcw Claudio  (Thursday, 30 April 2020)
Rating: 5
Since late 2016 we have two of the AD-2334 in operation at ZM4T. Our version is mechanically reinforced over the standard due to our extreme high wind
loads. This is the first commercial antenna that survived at our location. While writing this review here the antennas have been up for almost four
years now! Performance especially on 40m is superior and we like the separate feed for 40m. rn20m performance is probably most compromised by the
design. 15 m & 10m are great performers as well. This is a very good antenna for the serious contester/DXer.rnrn73 Holger, ZL3IO / one of the ZM4T

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Last Updated: Monday, 17 February 2025 20:27