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Price: 0,00 €


40M3-20M4 is a new dual-band antenna. 3 elements for 40 m and 4 elements for 20 m together on one boom.

40 m elements shortened with hi-Q coils (Q-factor ~1000). Elements length about 16 m. Input resistance of 40 m antenna is 28 Ohms, so it should be fed with 28-50 Ohm transformer (select options below).

For 20 m there is 4-elements optimized wide-band antenna (OWA). Input impedance is 50 Ohms, so the coaxial cable should be connected directly or through 1:1 balun (e.g. BU-113) .

D16T aluminium alloy tubes used for boom and elements make 40M3-20M4 lightweight (48 kg) and very strong.

Shipped in 2 boxes 200x21x17 cm each, total weight - 50 kg.

Tech specs for 40M3-20M4

Elements 3
Frequency range, MHz 7.000-7.200
SWR in frequency range <1.5* <1.2
Gain @22м, dBi 11.6 14.1
Net Gain vs dipole@22m dBd 4.3 6.6
Front to Back, dB 15-20-17 16-20-18
Boom lenght, mm 12700
Max element length, mm 16400
Turning radius, mm 9500
Weight, kg 48
Wind surface area, m2 1.8
Max CW input power, kW 5
Max wind speed 40 m/s
Acceptable reduction unit is similar to AlfaSpid BIG-RAK with support bearing.

* - 150 kHz range.




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Last Updated: Monday, 17 February 2025 19:54